[ FREE 10 Day Challenge ]
For Coaches Of All Types

How Would You Like Step-By-Step Help Getting New Paying Clients For Your Coaching Business

For Free?

I'll Reveal The Exact Methods Every Coach Can Use To Master Organic Lead Generation And Turn Those Leads Into Paying Clients

Learning how to organically market yourself & become a better, more transformational coach is the KEY to capturing leads and turning them into clients.

The Next 'Lead Blitz' Challenge Starts:
September 18th...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Registration Ends September 19th at 10pm

An Open Letter To All Coaches Trying To Grow Their Business:

If you’re struggling to be noticed, get (and keep) clients, and turn your business into a profitable, full-time thing… this is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

There’s no shortage of coaches on the internet…

You probably know that better than anyone.

Maybe you’ve tried to market your business on social media a bit but feel discouraged by the competition…

Or maybe that marketing hasn’t gotten even close to the results you were hoping for.

Either way… 

Here’s The Good News

You’ve found your passion.

The best coaches aren’t doing it for the money. They’re doing it because they genuinely love to help people transform into their best selves.

And because you have that passion, you have the drive to achieve success.

Here’s why I know that to be true…

Let’s set aside the fact that I’ve personally helped hundreds of coaches build their 6-figure businesses from the ground up.

Through the process of doing that, one glaring reality became painfully obvious:

Many coaches don’t know how to market themselves organically because… 

Most Coaches Don’t Start Out As Business & Marketing Gurus

That marketing class in college probably won’t come in handy nowadays because the world of business has transformed completely in the last decade alone.

Yet business and marketing strategies are crucial elements to coaching entrepreneurship.

The truth is, up to this point, you haven’t had the proper tools to build a powerful business.

So with that said, since we’ve already established that you’re the kind of coach who’s passionate, driven, and ambitious…

I’d like to teach you how to take your business to the next level.

My Challenge Will Show You How To:

  • ​Focus on establishing your authority rather than wasting money on advertising
  • ​Hone in on your niche and find your target audience
  • ​Turn your leads into actual paying clients
  • ​Master your coaching style and deliver your content in eye-catching, transformational ways
  • ​Use technology to your advantage as a coach
  • ​Differentiate yourself from the competition through delivery and promise
  • ​Price your services fairly and confidently
  • ​Understand the boring numbers side of your business
  • ​Scale your coaching business to replace your current job and embrace your passion full-time
  • ​Create real change and lasting relationships with your clients (a.k.a. loyal fans)

My Name Is Richmond Dinh...

I’m the “coaches’ coach.”

I help coaches, consultants, experts, and speakers build highly profitable businesses from scratch using the system I developed that allowed me to go from $0 to over $100,000 in my first year as a coach. 

Now, let me show you why… 

My Name Is Richmond Dinh...

I’m the “coaches’ coach.”

I help coaches, consultants, experts, and speakers build highly profitable businesses from scratch using the system I developed that allowed me to go from $0 to over $100,000 in my first year as a coach. 

Now, let me show you why… 

Coaches Helped To Start & Launch
Generated From Our Students Online, No Ads. 
5-Star Testimonial Videos

You Can Build A Business From Absolutely Nothing

Having a successful coaching business isn’t about having flashy clients or a fancy website.

When I first started, I had literally nothing.

I went from 0 to 6-figures in one year…

And I did it with next to no ad spend and no networking events.

I started out as a conservative, introverted optometrist with no coaching skills, no speaking skills, no sales skills, no marketing skills, no social media following…

Basically, you name it, I didn’t have it.

And it wasn’t just a fluke.

I’ve taught literally hundreds of coaches that have done the exact same thing...

Using the exact same strategies I teach in my challenge.

The best thing about my process?

You Don’t Have To Spend Thousands On Ads

...Or even hundreds.

All of your time and energy will be going to building your business organically, finding your unique audience, and becoming a kick-ass coach.

We’re not going to waste your time OR your money.

The strategies I’m going to teach you throughout the next 5 days can change everything for the trajectory of your business.

When you start the challenge, here’s what will happen:

First, you’ll be spending a lot of time planning, thinking, and shaping your coaching offer.

This is crucial because as you solidify your offer, your intentions of your business’ future will become more clear.

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

You’ll Start Attracting Leads Like Crazy

Clients want a coach that’s clear about their message and offering.

Regardless of how many clients you’ve coached in the past or how established your business is, you can learn how to attract people that want to learn from you.

You’ll begin to find confidence in your coaching.

And you’ll be surprised about how quickly things snowball from there.

The 5-Day Lead Blitz Challenge is a 5-day challenge that focuses on maximizing your strengths as a coach and solidifying your business strategies.

It’s what helps you land client after client…

And what takes your business from side-gig to full-time.

You’ll get copy, templates, and scripts that make it as easy as possible to implement everything you’ve learned.

Along with 5 days of coaching, live training and accountability..

Here's A Recap Of


When You Accept The '5-Day Lead Blitz' Challenge Today!

You'll Instantly Get:

  • 5 Days Of LIVE Coaching  & Video Meetings From Richmond Dinh
  • The ULTIMATE 38-page workbook (resources, training, examples, swipefiles, and more, for each day of the challenge. Everything we cover in the challenge is in here)
  • ​​Access to a private Facebook support group (and unlimited Q&A sessions to help answer some of your most pressing questions)
  • ​​A 19-minute pre training video on how to optimize your Facebook profile (and increase your authority and visibility)

During The Challenge You'll Learn To:

  • ​Implement the simple 6-step blueprint to take your coaching business from ZERO to $100,000 without spending a single cent on advertising
  • ​​Establish yourself as the authority and go-to expert in your space 
  • ​​Stop being generalist and how to decide & define your niche
  • ​​Effectively locate your target market and build a loyal tribe
  • ​​Write and deliver powerful & effective content that cuts through all the noise
  • ​​Speak on camera and deliver engaging & captivating video content
  • ​​Stop being a perfectionist so you can start taking action now
  • ​​Create genuine lasting relationships to build loyal raving fans
  • ​​Lead your tribe into your conversion funnel & present them the opportunity to enroll into your program
  • ​​Use non-pushy & non-salesy, ethical high-conversion sales frameworks to enroll leads through your conversion funnel
  • ​​Handle the 10 most common and most deadly objections that all coaches, consultants, experts and speakers will face
  • ​​Differentiate yourself through your service delivery and your promise
  • ​​Package and price your products and services for maximum profit
  • ​​Understand the boring but essential numbers side of your business
  • ​​Intelligently transition out of your current job so you can live your passion every single day
  • ​​Do all of the above whilst still balancing your other life commitments

If you can explain your ideal clients problem better than they can, then they will automatically assume that you know the solution. THIS is THE key to establishing credibility in a crowded market.

In this live zoom call, we will get super clear on WHO your ideal client is, then we will nail your 1 sentence message and finish off with a simple exercise that will instantly boost your authority in the marketplace.

he biggest problem you’ll face with launching your coaching program is crickets. This is a genuine fear where the imposter syndrome starts to kick in.

In this live zoom call, we will create the perfect launch, so that you can have a flood of leads raising their hand to work with you. Plus, we will do it in a way where it is congruent to you, without the need to faking it until you make it.

If you suck at sales or feel ‘icky’ about selling, then this can all be solved with a strong coaching offer. The problem with most coaching offers is they are priced incorrectly, not hyper relevant, don’t handle objections, and have nothing unique about it.

In this live zoom call, we will help you create a coaching offer that is so strong, that your future clients will feel stupid saying No. More importantly, you will walk away with a coaching offer that you can sell with confidence.

There will be times where your potential clients say No or present with an objection. It’s here where most coaches feel stuck on what to say or how to say it in order to turn the situation around.

In this live zoom call, we will be handling a real life sales objection on the call and then breaking it down on exactly the process behind it. After this call, you’ll be able to turn ANY No into a Yes.

Don’t know what to post day in day out? Maybe your content gets little or no engagement. Or perhaps you lack clarity on how to consistently fill up your calendar with qualified leads who want to work with you.

It’s easy to fill up your calendar during a program launch but you can’t do a program launch every single week, so what do you need to do instead?

In this live zoom call, we will give you a customised 30-day content marketing plan so you can consistently fill up your calendar book every single day.






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Challenge Schedule

Australian Times

North American Times

    Live Call Topic          

Monday, September 18th
10am AEST | Australia

Sunday, September 17th
8pm EDT | Canada/US


Tuesday, September 19th
10am AEST | Australia

Monday, September 18th
8pm EDT | Canada/US


Wednesday, September 20th 10am AEST | Australia

Tuesday, September 19th
8pm EDT | Canada/US


Thursday, September 21st
10am AEST | Australia

Wednesday, September 20th
8pm EDT | Canada/US


Friday, September 22nd
10am AEST | Australia

Thursday, September 21st
8pm EDT | Canada/US

Special Guest Speaker Pedro Adao aka 'The Challenge Guy'

How It Works

Each day during the challenge we will stream LIVE into a zoom room. All you have to do is head over to your email at the time of the call, open the zoom link we send you and we'll be there streaming live (don't worry we'll send reminders too)

During these 90 or so minutes Richmond will go in depth on the exact strategy he uses to help coaches and experts take their business from ZERO to $100,000 without spending a single cent on advertising.

Engage with Richmond, as well as fellow challenge members inside the private FB group as we help each other plan and execute on our course creation plans.

And if you fall behind, don't worry! All the calls are recorded and will be available to VIP members inside of the FB group.

By the end of the challenge you will have all the training and support you need to maximise your strengths as a coach and solidify your business strategies.

What Others Are Saying

Here's What To Do Next

We’re starting on Monday September 18th, 2023.

And all you have to do to join is sign up!

Over 5 days, you’ll learn and implement core strategies into your business that will catapult you to success.

Oh, and in case you're wondering…

Yes, This WILL Work For You, Too!

I’m not going to lie to you - most coaches start their business and fail.

They fail not because they didn’t have what it takes to be an incredible coach…

They fail because they don’t have the strategies that establish them as authorities…

Because they don’t know how to enroll leads and close on a deal…

And because they don’t know how to differentiate themselves from the competition.

This same process I’ve taught has helped hundreds of coaches in all different fields… health coaches, marriage coaches, personal development coaches… doesn’t matter.

That’s because these strategies are grounded in business principles that are tried and true.

The Challenge Is Free… So What Would You Lose If You Didn’t Join?

It depends if you want to measure it in money, time, or happiness.

Measuring it financially, the answer is quite a bit, considering a successful coaching business can easily hit the six-figure mark.

As far as time goes - well, the next 5 days will be filled with a lot of hard work. This challenge not only teaches you success, but helps you implement it… meaning you’ll be saving time accomplishing what you’d have to do in the future anyway.

And certainly, the happiness you’d experience from turning your passion into profits is more than worth the time investment.

So right about now, you might be thinking, “this sounds too good to be true!”

But rest assured…

There Is No Catch

I know, it sounds crazy that I’m creating and offering this challenge for FREE. 

To be completely transparent, I’ve packed as much value as possible into this challenge in hopes that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and want to continue working with me down the road.

You can’t get results if you don’t put in the work, so I’m expecting you to show up and apply what you’ve learned to maximize your success.

How's that for fair?


There is no easy path to success, and if that’s what you’re looking for, I can’t help you.

What I’m going to be teaching you will take some effort.

And, yes, even though it’s a heck of a lot easier when I give you examples of what’s worked in millions of conversions in our funnels that you can simply model...

And even though I’ll be removing most of the guesswork, since my method has already been proven... (I’ll be showing you the actual stats)

You're going to have to actually do some work!

And if you do, and you follow the structure I’m going to lay out over these 5 days…

The results can be MASSIVE and life-changing.

Here’s What You Need To Know

  • DAY 1: Monday, March 8th - Your Strategy & Blueprint
  • ​DAY 2: Wednesday, March 10th - Your Ideal Offer
  • ​DAY 3: Friday, March 12th - Your Full Funnel Flow
  • ​DAY 4: Monday, March 15th - Your High-Converting Scripts
  • ​DAY 5: Wednesday, March 17th - Your Launch Plan

You Don’t Have To Wait Any Longer Or Try To Figure This Out On Your Own

Click the button below to join the challenge now so you can discover what’s truly possible for you as a coach.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter, and I hope you and I can team up together in the future!

~ Richmond Dinh

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skip to the end of these letters, here's the deal:

I’m offering you a FREE 5-day challenge that improves your coaching and teaches you how to market to a target audience to maximize your lead generation.

Throughout the next 5 days, I’ll walk you through marketing, clarifying your offer, social media, turning leads into clients, using technology while coaching, and way more that I can’t fit into this sentence (it’s already long enough as it is).

I’m offering this challenge because I’m hoping you’ll get so much value from it that we can continue working together down the road.

Click here and join today! You won't regret it.


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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated are from myself & my clients. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Income is not guaranteed. Depending on your level of commitment, you may make less, the same or more than the examples in this case study. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

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