Get Started For As Little As $395...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Discover How Savvy Coaches Are Using The
Tiny Challenge™
Framework To Consistently Get
(This Works Better Than Webinars, VSLs, Paid Ads, Cold DMs, AND Posting Content COMBINED)
Discover How Savvy
 Coaches Are Using
To Consistently Get
(This Works Better Than Webinars, VSLs, Paid Ads, Cold DMs, & Posting Content COMBINED)
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Let’s Start With The Truth….

  • You’ve Been Misled Into Thinking That Running Webinars or Group Challenge Is Easy—It’s Not. It requires foundational marketing skills, sales skills, speaking skills, and tech expertise that most beginners lack.
  • Nobody Knows Who You Are. That’s why it’s critical to answer your prospect's most important question: Why YOU over anyone else? The TINY CHALLENGE™ Framework helps you do this better than anything else. 
  • In Marketing, The Best Offer Wins. Presenting a The TINY CHALLENGE™ Framework to your ideal client is a far superior offer compared to anything else in the market. That’s why it works.
  • ​People Love to Spend but Hate Being Sold To. The power of The TINY CHALLENGE™ Framework lies in how it builds reciprocity—so much so, the process sells itself.
  • It’s Not Your Fault! You’ve been misinformed to chase the wrong strategies. Don’t let others steer you off track again. Be burned once, but never again.

But It Doesn't Have To Be This Way...

Finally For The Very FIRST Time, There is a Program Designed Specifically For The Little Person, The Unknown Outsider, The Underdog. Yes, YOU! 

  • Step By Step 12-Module Tiny Challenge™ Course - Create, Design and Deliver a High Converting Tiny Challenge™. ($4,997 Value)
  • Actual Recording of Richmond Delivering The Tiny Challenge™ Framework To a Real Prospect! See For Yourself How it's Done ($1,997 Value)
  • Challenge Traffic Secrets Marketing Course Lifetime access ($2,997 Value)
  • 6-Weeks of Weekly Group Coaching. With Our Head Coach - 2 Calls/Week ($1,997 Value)
  • 6-Weeks of Personal Accountability From Million Dollar Coach ($997 Value)
  • Private Members Facebook Group Support Lifetime Access ($997 Value)
  • $MM 3-Day Virtual Business Bootcamp with 5,6,7 Fig Pathway ($2,994 Value)

SPECIAL BONUS 1 ($2,494 Value)

3-Day Virtual ProCoach Certification + Course Creation

The Only Course Specifically Designed to Help You Consistently Fill Your Tiny Challenge™ Without Ad Spend

SPECIAL BONUS 2 ($4,997 Value)

Pedro Adao Entire Flagship Challenge Secrets Course

Reveals how to launch, grow, or scale any business—online or offline—using a 'Challenge Funnel.'



$4997 $1,197

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

PLEASE HEAR ME OUT: I Will Not Be  Running This Special Promotion Again and After The Timer Hits Zero, 
The Price Will Go Back to $4,997.

“Richmond Is A True Innovator When It Comes To Online Marketing And He Is The Creator Of The Tiny Challenge™ Model Which Has Revolutionised The Online Coaching Space."

Here Is Everything We'll Go Over In The

12-Module Tiny Challenge™ Course:

  • Develop Your Unique Origin Story & Learn HOW To Market it ($495 VALUE)
  • Get Super Clear on Your Ideal Tiny WHO & Your Marketing Message ($495 VALUE)
  • Develop Your Tiny Challenge™ Topic That Stops The Scroll. ($395 VALUE)
  • Choreograph & Select Your Tiny Challenge™ Content Pieces ($695 VALUE)
  • Strategically Design Your Daily Tiny Challenge™ Homework ($495 VALUE)
  • ​Step By Step Script on How To Deliver Day 1 of Tiny Challenge™ ($495 VALUE)
    • Create Your Compelling Tiny Challenge™ Upsell Offer ($495 VALUE)
    • Step By Step Script on How To Present Your Offer on The Final Day ($495 VALUE)
    • How To Handle Objections When Your Prospects Say No. ($395 VALUE)
    • How to Get a 5-Star Review to Help Fill Your Next Tiny Challenge™ Session($395 VALUE)
    • How To Obtain 2 Referrals To Help Fill Your Next Tiny Challenge™ Session ($495 VALUE)
    • ​Replays of Richmond Actually Building Out Tiny Challenge™ on Clients ($495 VALUE)

    The Tiny Challenge™ Course Also Includes:

    $MM 3-Day Virtual Business Bootcamp + 5,6,7 Fig Pathway with Richmond Dinh

    This Bootcamp is Designed to Turn Your First Dollar Online (Which is The Most Difficult) into Your First Million Dollars Online. We Run This Every 3 Months and You Have 24 Months To Use it. 

    $2,994 Value

    3-Day Virtual ProCoach Certification With Tony Kaye - The Certification Guy

    The Only Skill You Need To Run a Tiny Challenge™ Session is some Foundational Core Coaching Skills. The Ability To Ask The Right Question at The Right Time To Help Your Clients Get  a breakthrough. Fear No More, Because After These 3-Days You Will be Highly Competent. 

    $1,997 Value



    $4997 $1197


    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

    PLEASE HEAR ME OUT:  I Will Not Be Special Promotion Again and After The Timer Hits Zero, The Price Will Go Back to $4,997.

    Your People
    Need You

    I'm Rooting For You, UNDERDOG

    In coaching, this is the early stage coach who has little chance of making it because they are entering an arena where their competitors have more experience, more testimonials, a bigger brand, a bigger following, more connections and quite often, their program is cheaper and better.

    When you really think about it, the early stage coach has next to zero chance of winning.

    And the bigger players know this and use it to their advantage.

    The problem with our industry right now is that there is currently NO-ONE out there that is representing the underdog early stage coach.

    It seems like every coach is just competing for their own corner of the market place whilst the bigger players are trying to push the little guys out of the market.

    Being a massive underdog myself, I've been reflecting back on my journey and really wished there was someone out there to represent the early stage coach - the underdog.

    It wouldn't have made the struggle go away, but it would have made a massive difference to at least feel heard.

    If we take my story back even further, I was a minority in school and bullied nearly every day for being Asian. Being told to go back to my own country.

    It was tough... and I wish there was someone representing me then.

    This is why I've decided to take ownership and be that leader that I wanted when I started. 

    In a midst of uncertainty, there's one thing I'm sure of.... and that's I know how YOU feel. I see you.

    Together we fight.

    Together we unite.

    Together we lead and serve for what's right.

    Keep Believing & Never Settle


    Keep Believing & Never Settle


    • 26 yo Voice Coach For Amateur Musicians
    • Small Fish Outsider, No Name, No Brand
    • Ran Tiny Challenge For Amateur Singers
    • ​He Went From $4K to $119K in 14 Months


    • Unfulfilled School Teacher Earning 60K/yr
    • NLP Coach For Health & Wellness – No Name, Massive Industry Outsider 
    • Went From Zero To $610K in 32 Months as a Mum of 2 Kids Under 10


    • Leadership Coach Stuck on 3K/Month
    • Massive Underdog Experiencing Racism In The Workforce & On Social Media For Being a Latino
    • Despite Having the Odds Stacked Against Her, She Made Over $500K in 20 Months


    • Branding Coach From Spain, English is also his second language
    • Invested his LAST $2,000 on Me and Went All In With Nothing To Lose, Because He Had Nothing To Lose
    • Went From 2K To $460K in 17 Months


    • Mindset Coach For Musicians
    • Joined With ZERO Social Media Following and Zero Clients, never coached before
    • Went From ZERO To $190K in 18 Months, Where He Got His First 10 Paying Clients in The First 4 Weeks


    • Corporate Accountant Turned Relationship Coach
    • Massive Disadvantage Because When She Transitioned into Coaching, She Was Going Through a Divorce, Had Lost Everything and Was Left with 3 Young Kids Under 10, One of Which Had Special Needs
    • Went From Zero To $320K in 26 Months

    If You See Yourself as a Small Fish and as an Outsider, Then This is Your Next Step….

    • Step By Step 12-Module T.C™ Course - Create a High-Converting Tiny Challenge™. ($4,997 Value)
    • Recording of Richmond Delivering a Real Tiny Challenge™ Session See For Yourself How it's Done ($1,997 Value)
    • Challenge Traffic Secrets Marketing Course Lifetime access ($2,997 Value)
    • ​Facebook Group Support - Underdog Academy ($497 Value)
    • 6-Weeks Group Coaching (2 calls per week) ($1,997 Value)
    • 6-Weeks Personal Accountability with Million Dollar Coach ($997 Value)
    • Private Members Facebook Group Support Lifetime Access ($997 Value)
    • 3-Day Virtual Business Bootcamp with 5,6,7 Fig Pathway ($2,994 Value)
    • BONUS #1: 3-Day ProCoach Certification + Course Creation  ($2,494 Value)
    • BONUS #2: Pedro Adao Entire Flagship Challenge Secrets Course ($4,997 Value)
    Item Price


    When does the course start and are replays included? 
    Yes replays are included in which you have lifetime access to the replays. The Course starts as soon as you purchase. You will get immediate access via email. Please check spam. 
    I've tried other coaching programs. What makes this different? 
    Richmond is the creator and innovator of the One on One Tiny Challenge™ model and there is no-one in the industry that is teaching this, nor are they allowed to as the intellectual property has been internationally trademarked. As you've seen, this is the simplest and quickest strategy to get paying coaching clients without the need to learn marketing, sales, speaking and tech. 
    I don't have any experience as a coach. Will this work for me?
    Absolutely. This program is specifically designed for the early stage coach without experience, without a list and without an established brand. The program is not designed for the already successful well known coach. Plus, we have gifted in a bonus 3-Day ProCoach certification to help those who need to learn the foundational skills of coaching. 
    Do you have any guarantees or refunds? 
    We do not offer refunds, , however, please rest assured that this is the #1 Marketing method working right now and will give you the highest chance of success compare to every other method out there including trying it on your own. 
    Do you offer any payment plans?
    Yes we do provide an easy payment plan option of 4 payments of $395USD. 
    Can I put the $1197 over several credit cards?
    Absolutely yes you can. We can personally set this up for you on our end. Simply send Richmond a direct message here via messenger and let him know this is what you'd like to do and we can do it for you. 

    Your Privacy Matters

    We are committed to protecting your personal information. We will always seek your explicit consent before collecting or using your data, ensuring you have the opportunity to opt in to communications from us and our sister sites. By opting in, you agree to receive SMS notifications and marketing content from us. You can also opt out at any time if you choose to stop receiving these communications.

    For more details on how we handle your information and your rights under privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, please visit our Privacy Policy.


    This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

    DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated are from myself & my clients. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Income is not guaranteed. Depending on your level of commitment, you may make less, the same or more than the examples in this case study. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

    Questions? Contact Support